Tuesday, March 26, 2013

"Follow your Bliss"

I want to write today (again) about the importance of passion in your life. ***Spoiler Alert*** I will be discussing passion fairly often :-)

Every job I ever had lacked my personal passion. Or if I was passionate at all, I could at least fake it for a year until something inside of me said this is not true and this is NOT YOU. But I swept it under the rug because just as every one is taught "you have to grow up and get a 'real job' and it doesn't really matter if you like it because you have to 'pay the bills.'"-- And listen, I get that. I suppose all of those are valid facts. However, I have had the idea impressed upon me that there is more to life than paying the mortgage. And even though I am not very old, I still have been working for a quite a few years and noticing that I was never really getting ahead in life... just getting through. I did not jump out of bed in the morning, I clawed my way out of bed. I had an anxiety attack most nights because I hated what I did every day. Not that I was ungrateful for having a job in the first place but because my soul knew better and I wasn't listening to it. I felt like the life force was being drained out of me, and it was. I had this constant pull inside of me saying "there is something bigger out there for you, this is not all there is." And at times I would be frustrated and make some big decision to change my life forever and then not follow through. And then 6 months later I would feel it again, almost like a fire in my belly, that was just burning for something more. Its hard to go against what you have been literally and subconsciously taught your whole life about what being an "adult" means.

I was lucky enough to marry a man who has helped me be a better person since day one. Who has put up with my craziness as I bravely face my stories and the illusions of my past experiences. It has been a wild journey but I love it and I'm glad to be able to continue my journey with him for eternity. But I have to share my most important marriage advice that I am able to give thus far. If your wondering what someone with 2 1/2 year of marriage has to offer you, just hear me out. The best thing that my marriage has taught me, is that the cornerstone to a successful marriage is making sure both people are fulfilled in their individual lives. Meaning that both people must be chasing or living their dreams! And we have done that for each other in our marriage. My husbands passion just happens to be an "artistic" passion of music. Producing and playing music to be exact. And a couple nights ago he posted this Facebook status (posted this with his permission of course!)

I am so proud of him. He has an amazing talent for creating beautiful music of pretty much any genre you could imagine. And for him to finally make a declaration like that just made me glow. I know that we both would not be where we are today if we didn't fully support each other. I am not going to let the worlds beliefs that "you have to be lucky to make it in music" and "better give up that dream sooner or later because there is no 'security' in an artist type job" change my opinion of what is possible for each and every one of us.

Do you know what I consider to be the greatest security a person can have? --Their PASSION. Because guess what? No one can take your passion away from you. No one can fire you from your passion. You don't have to go to school to get a degree in "passion." It is your gift to the world. And goes WHEREVER you go. You dont have to FIND your passion. It lies within you. If anything, you need to remove the debris that keeps you from seeing what it is. But know that you already possess it!

I have faith in my husband and more importantly he has faith in himself. I don't think it's the fact that some musicians get lucky but most don't. I think it's that the successful musicians find that belief deep within themselves to wade through the lie that they got cursed with a 'bad' passion or a 'childish' passion. They believe in themselves and fight against the judgment of others who honestly want whats best for them, which they think is sparing them the inevitable disappointment coming their way.

If there is anything that brings me the most joy and happiness in my life it's that my husband and I push each other to be our best and to face our fears because we are always supporting each other. It's a beautiful partnership to have. But it would not have happened if were weren't both already working hard every day on what we love.

Follow your passions. Follow your bliss. Believe in yourself and others will begin believing too. Find people who dream bigger than you and confide in them. And steer clear of people who will drag you down and add negative energy to your desires. 

And don't forget my number one rule: be patient with yourself. You are amazing and capable of more than your mind can fathom. But as you try daily to move closer to your goals, those desires will start to become real and you will hardly be able to believe it. And I speak really specifically to people who feel like their dreams are really unrealistic or childish. I'm not saying go quit your job today. I'm saying ignite that passion in yourself by using some of your spare time to find the things that bring you the most joy. If you dont have time, make time. NOTHING is more important then you feeling fulfilled for yourself and your family. If you aren't full then it is hard to offer anything to other people, that is something that I know for sure.

I am passionate about passion. I feel it is MY gift to the world. What is your gift? What talents and abilities have you been blessed with!? Leave your answers in the comment section and if you dont know, take some quiet time to get in touch with that part of you. I promise you will get your answer :-)


  1. Great Post! In February, I was laid off from my job and I couldn't be happier. lol. Yes, I don't know how I'm going to pay the bills but I want to find my "passion". And that job was sucking the life out of me.

  2. Wow Michele that is awesome! I have actually been in the same position. So great to be able to see it as a gift to get yourself together and move to your right path! :)
